Best iPhone and Android Apps You Should Have on Your Phone


In this day and age, it’s practically impossible to imagine spending an hour – let alone the entire day – without your smart mobile device. Simply put, a modern person has gotten so accustomed to having a mobile device handy, that we’ve basically relocated the majority of our lives on these little devices. We use them for business correspondence, to track our nutrients intake, our fitness progress, to have some fun and to relax after a busy day.

However, having these nifty gadgets wouldn’t be as enjoyable without the numerous apps we can install on them, as otherwise, they’d simply have a function of a cell phone, and we already got over that phase. That being said, let’s check out some of the top apps you should definitely go download and install on your smartphone if you haven’t already.

Best iPhone and Android Apps

Android apps


This extremely useful app is definitely something every person who cares about their security should try out. It’s basically a much more advanced version of Find My iPhone, as it allows you to tap into your system-level files and use system integration security. For example, if someone tries to guess your phone’s security password and fails, Cerberus will automatically snap a photo of the person with a front-facing camera, so you can later see who the intruder was. Additionally, in case your phone got stolen, it allows you to remotely access it and listen in and even record a person who did it.


Another app for a bit savvier users, the SetCPU was launched back in 2011 and has been up and running ever since. This cool app allows you to take full control over your phone’s CPU clock speed and thus control the lifespan of your battery, among other things. The way it works is that it allows you to tap into the CPU clock speed of your phone (as we already mentioned) and reduce its processing speed to a quarter of its normal speed, thus putting a significantly lesser strain on your battery, making it last longer.

iPhone apps

iPhone apps


This cool little app allows you to shoot time-lapse videos and edit them so that they look like you’ve mastered the art of cinematography and stabilization techniques. It’s quite popular among avid Instagram users, as it allows them to create high-quality videos that look awesome but are quite easy to film and edit.

Sky Guide AR

This app is the perfect choice for anyone interested in astrology. With it, you can simply turn the app on, point your phone towards the night sky and get all the information about constellations, satellites and planets you are currently able to see. Furthermore, the “time control” part of the app allows you to envision how the sky looked like in the past from the particular spot you’re currently at, as well as how it will look in the future. Quite cool, isn’t it?

Android and iPhone apps


If you’re someone who enjoys having some fun on their phone after a busy day, and especially if you’re someone who enjoys playing some online slot and casino games, then the awesome AskGamblers App is the perfect app for you. It allows you to stay up to date with all the latest news from the online gambling industry and it even offers live notification options, so you can be sure you don’t miss out on anything important. Besides, the user interface is very intuitive and everything you might be looking for is presented to you in a clear and easily understandable manner.


Another super useful app that’s available for both Android and iPhone users, that allows you to easily create to-do lists is definitely Wunderlist. Wunderlist also allows you to access your lists from any device (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.) and any changes you make to any of the lists are automatically synced. Furthermore, you can even share your lists with anyone you need to, so going grocery shopping, reminding your family members about their doctor’s appointments or simply making sure that somebody has walked the dog has never been easier.

These were just some of the apps you should definitely make sure you check out. Of course, depending on your preferences and overall user style, there are many others out there you might find interesting or useful. Remember that smartphones and apps are there to make our (users’) lives easier and add an additional dose of convenience to our day-to-day, so why not try them out and let them help us make our lives just a pinch easier and more fun?


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