To-Do Lists: Do They Work If You’re Suffering from ADHD?


The ADHD brain will respond aggressively to all types of stimulation. If it triggers a person’s neurotransmitters, then the individual will follow it. In some cases, this means starting multiple tasks but never finishing them. It can also result in a loss of time, and work on what is interesting, rather than what is important. Sometimes, using a daily to-do list will help with this.


The Problem of Getting Organized When Dealing with ADHD

Some people with ADHD have problems taking and organizing notes, difficulty managing time, and remaining on task. To help individuals in these situations, it is a good idea to invest in a management and organization system specifically formulated for those with ADHD. Some of the systems try to include a personal notebook, organizer, and journal.

Using a Notebook

Everything with this starts with finding and choosing the right type of notebook. It is important to find one that can travel with a person everywhere they go -; literally. It is a good idea to train the mind to develop a habit that involves using the notebook anytime a person moves from one location to another.

Be sure to always keep the notebook close to the person’s non-dominant hand. The importance of making sure the notebook is nearby always cannot be overstated. Try to find a notebook, organizer, or journal that has enough room to write down several things for each day.

Creating the Right Lists

The first type of list to create is a shortlist. This list only includes the highest priority tasks that have to be done on a particular day, not the next day. By the end of the day, all the items on this list should be done.

Another essential list is the calendar. Anything that has a set date should go on the calendar. Do not just write down the due dates but add any type of preparation is needed on the calendar. For example, if someone has a test on Friday, they should note the test on the Friday square and a study session on Thursday.

It is also necessary to create a long list. This should include anything that a person wants or needs to do that doesn’t belong on the calendar or shortlist.

The last type of list to create is a routine list. This is where a person will log all the things they need and want to do at specific times. For example, if someone wants to build an evening or morning routine, this is where it will be planned. When adjustments are needed, the lists can be replaced with new ones.

This will help someone develop habits and routines, but also help someone remember things they may have forgotten because they are able to refer to the list. It is also possible to make lists regarding what to pack for a trip or the steps for an upcoming trip. This part of a notebook can be extremely versatile, which is extremely beneficial.

When it comes to getting organized with ADHD, there are more than a few factors to consider. Be sure to keep the information here in mind to ensure that getting organized is not only possible but that it becomes a habit. Being informed is the first step in this process.


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