How to Prepare When Participating in Your First Disc Golf Tournament?


You have made your decision to participate in your first disc golf tournament, great! Tournaments are a great opportunity to bring players of different skill sets together. Apart from growing the sport and the community, tournaments are great ways of letting players judge their personal progress. Meeting new players also helps you learn new skills and techniques. You will also be able to learn about their equipment like their disc golf baskets, discs, and other accessories.

Your first disc golf tournament should be for fun and will lay the groundwork that will make you learn a lot of things. Along with getting an idea of your own play style, you will also be able to experience the sport in a competitive setting. Your first tournament will prepare you the best for other upcoming events. After some practice and experience, it will make you more confident than ever. All you must do is prepare for the game well and don’t leave a stone unturned in doing so.

First Disc Golf Tournament

No player wants to lag behind in the race and here are some tips that you can consider when preparing for your first disc golf tournament.

  1. Proper Homework

If you never got a chance to play disc golf on the course, the tournament is the time when you must do proper homework. If you never thought of it ever before, do it now. You should take up research at least a week before the event. If possible, take a walkthrough of the course to have an idea of the layout you will be followed during the tournament.
You must search for the length of the golf course to build a strategy for your game. A few pictures of the course can also help you. When you have a good idea of the golf course, you will be able to keep the right discs in your bag and focus on improving your game. You can also refer to some matches that have taken place in that particular course to get an idea about the winning scores in your division.

Doing homework means you will ensure that you are playing in the right division and help you in deciding your approach. It might take 45 minutes to an hour but consider seeing the course from every angle possible.

  1. Practice is a must

“Practice makes perfect.” It is time to apply the proverb to your life. Before you enter the tournament, practice as much as you can. You need to practice different shots that you would require for each hole. Instead of just throwing the disc, make shots count. When there are tight courses, it is always recommended to practice accuracy more than distance.

If not a course, you can practice in a park that has a lot of trees. You can practice making tunnel shots with midranges, putters, and drivers. Practice is the only thing that will help you because even the similar shots appear difficult in the tournament.

  1. Prepare your Bag

It is always a good decision to prepare for opportunities when they knock your door and be flexible. When researching the course, look for the right discs for the tournament. Pack your bag with the right discs and mark them clearly before you start your play. When you have decided on the right discs, it is time to put other essential things in your bag that you might need during your play.

A mini marker, towel(s), water, and other weather essentials must be there in your bag whenever you need them. When your bag contains all the important things, you will be able to focus completely on your game. This way you will also be able to relax your mind.

  1. Prepare your body

Like anything else, preparing your body for play is also important. Keeping the knowledge of the course and harnessing your skills accordingly is undoubtedly important. But at no cost must you ignore your body. You can take up a stretching routine to make sure that you are warmed up and limber before your event. This will help you avoid injuries as much as possible.
You must be properly dressed up for the weather to make sure it doesn’t affect your game. In warm weather, you can wear comfortable shorts or pants with a loose collared t-shirt. And when it is cold, you better wear light but warm layered clothing that won’t obstruct your motion. You can always take off a layer or add one if needed.

Eating and drinking properly are also important to prepare your body for the game. Avoid having energy drinks and candy before the game because you may crash you down later. You better go to the bathroom before playing begins. You may find it a bit silly but there are many courses that have a scarcity of bathrooms. And it would be really difficult to hold on when you are putting.

Along with everything else, proper rest is also essential. You must take sound sleep the night before your game. Only practice putting a day before the event to prepare your body to perform at a high level. Most of all, it keeps you mentally prepared for the game.

  1. Have Fun

It is fun to participate in a tournament and you should want to make the most of it. Talk to as many people as you can and make friends with them. You ought to consider that you are there to compete against yourself more than anybody else! Making new friends will help you in having a memorable tournament. All the things on the course are necessary and winning is just the cherry on top.

Prepare yourself well for the game, both mentally and physically. Keep one thing in mind that your first disc golf tournament is just a beginning and there are many more to come. Make sure to learn from your game and others’ as well to become a better player. Your first tournament will give you the best lesson of your life. You must stay positive and strong to accept everything that comes your way because that is how you will be able to harness your skills properly for next time.


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