Hit The First Case Movie Review


If you’re looking for a movie review that includes Rajkummar Rao and Vikram Kolanu, then you’ve come to the right place. Hit The First Case is about a police officer who suffers from PTSD and is assigned to a case involving a missing person. Vikram Kolanu is the main character and he’s well-played by the director. However, this isn’t your typical police drama. You’ll have to learn a lot about him and his case in order to appreciate this film’s story.

Hit The First Case

Vikram Kolanu

The film starts with Vikram, a police officer who is prone to ptsd and stroke. Vikram is a brilliant police officer, preferred by his senior colleagues due to his high work record, but this makes him vulnerable to triggers from simple incidents. Vikram is assigned to a case where he meets a disgruntled colleague, played by Sanya Malhotra. He is determined to uncover the truth about the girl’s disappearance, but he’ll have to do it alone.

In addition to avoiding stereotypes, HIT also manages to create a complex web of events that unfold in a nonlinear fashion. Sailesh does not try to feed the audience information in an overly-convoluted film, but rather makes them piece together the puzzle with Vikram. While HIT is a well-made movie with some excellent acting and a gripping plot, it lacks a gritty thriller feel.

Rajkummar Rao

HIT, the latest Rajkummar Rao film, is a strangely satisfying and unhurried crime mystery. The film engages in some subtle queerbaiting, while also establishing a compelling cause for conflict. Though this film is not anti-queer, it does seem to have a problem with multiple suspects and a ludicrous reason for one of them to be guilty.

The first half of HIT is a taut police drama, but the movie falters in the second. While there is no sense in rehashing the first half, this film is an honest attempt to bring a thriller to the Hindi language audience, but the second half does not translate into a memorable experience. Unfortunately, the last 25 minutes of the film fall flat. To make matters worse, this is an example of how Bollywood remakes don’t translate well to the English language.

Hit The First Case Hindi Movie Official Trailer


While the story line isn’t original, it’s not unwatchable either. HIT uses an unusually tight cast to create an unsettling atmosphere, resulting in a sense of manageable anxiety. The film also incorporates several visual triggers to prevent its characters from rising above the circle of suspicion. The resulting tension makes Hit the First Case a fascinating watch. However, it does not achieve the high standards that some of its predecessors have achieved.

HIT-The First Case does not hold back the viewer’s attention for long. It manages to keep them guessing for the majority of the movie, even when it stuffs information into the final act. Then again, the second half of the film scrambles to find a plot that doesn’t lead to any gasps. Overall, this film is a rollercoaster ride with little substance.


Dialogue in HIT The First Case is essential for understanding the character’s motivations and the film’s overall tone. Vikram, a police officer, has a classic case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but his boss makes things worse by telling him that he deserves a break. Thankfully, Vikram’s superiors do not allow him to give in to their nastiness.

The film is a retelling of the Telugu film Homicide Intervention Team, and it’s a welcome surprise for Hindi audiences. It’s a wacky remake of a film that will openly slam the genre, and it manages to avoid cliches while still delivering a tense and unpredictable thriller. Dialogue in HIT The First Case movie review


Rajkummar Rao makes a compelling performance as a cop who gets caught up in the infamous hit-and-run. Though the movie starts off in hallucination, it soon shows that the protagonist is indeed innocent. The movie has decent music, with two songs by Tinka and Kitni Haseen Hogi that are watchable. John Stewart Eduris’s background score is appropriate for the movie. The cinematography and production design are both beautiful, and the costumes of Anisha Jain are not too glamorous. Action sequences are realistic and believable, but Garry B H’s editing is a bit too quick in some key scenes. Overall, though, Hit – The First Case is a promising crime drama.

The film is a tight-knit thriller that carries an air of unpredictability. Multiple visual triggers keep the characters from rising above the circle of suspicion and make the movie unpredictable. Despite this, HIT is definitely not a movie for those who are easily frightened. Nevertheless, it does deliver on its promises and leaves its audience begging for more. Although the film could have been better, it is still worth a watch.


HIT-The First Case is an interesting thriller that explores a societal stigma surrounding queer and mental health. Its resolution is surprising, if a bit too strange, but it does establish a plausible cause for conflict. It isn’t a derogatory film about queer people or their identity, but it does show a lack of respect for them. While it’s interesting that the movie focuses on queer characters, I don’t necessarily endorse them, or any queer representation in general.

The movie looks good, and the camerawork is impressive. The songs and background score are well-done, but Garry could have tweaked a few scenes. The script is interesting, but I felt that it could’ve been longer. It does, however, set up a franchise, and the cast is strong. Although this film may seem like an obvious Hindi remake of a southern movie, it offers a good, well-made thriller that will keep the audience guessing till the end. If you love the old-school Bollywood thrillers, you’ll love HIT.