How to Use Virgin Coconut Oil for Hair Growth?


How-to-Use-Virgin-Coconut-Oil-for-Hair-GrowthPollution and hair fall are complementary to each other in today’s life. The struggle lies in the fact that we need to face the challenge of maintaining the proper growth of our hair despite such an adamant pollution around us. Therefore, maintenance definitely brings with it extra care and effort and, that is what I will be focusing on.

No doubt there are a lot of other options to take care of your hair growth. Then what is so special about virgin coconut oil? Well, coconut oil is undoubtedly rich in nutrients that really you can not imagine. The oil has got antiviral and antibacterial properties. Also, the oil is rich in Vitamin E, K and many another form of vitamins and minerals. It has also proved to its best as an antioxidant and iron-rich substance. And, the best part is that coconuts are easily available fruits. So, comparatively and of course, miraculously you get the access to an abundant stock of a valuable product.

Methods to Use the Organic Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

Virgin Coconut Oil itself is enough for hair growth. But, still, for better and faster result, you may try the following methods. So, get through the bullet-ed points mentioned. Pick any from the listed to restrict any further damage to your hair and ensure a good growth of your hair.

Coconut Oil with Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are exceptionally good for hair growth. The seed contains Nicotinic Acid that is great for hair growth. Except that the seed is also rich in Potassium that prevents from early greying. Also, it contains iron and Vitamins that immune the hair from any damage. So, heating and applying the coconut oil with some Fenugreek seeds will enrich your hair for better.

Coconut Oil with Castor Oil

Castor oil is again a wonder in the world of rich elements that encourages healthy hair. The fatty acid and Vitamin E present in the oil, when blended with the rich coconut oil, enriches the health of your hair for better. Also, this mixture provides enough moisture to your hair and prevents the hair from frizzing out and the blend is perfect to treat any scalp infection.

Coconut Oil with Henna leaves

Henna adds shine to our hair, we all know that. But do you know that henna leaves are rich in nutrients that prove to be helpful for the overall healthy growth of your hair? Well, henna leaves have the natural ability to balance the PH of your hair. Also, it cleanses your hair and prevents split ends that encourages faster and healthier hair growth. So, you can heat and apply the coconut oil added with henna leaves.

Coconut Oil with Onion Juice

Onion juice is again beneficial for hair growth. The juice is exclusively rich in Vitamins which is essential for proper growth of hair. The only aspect that is not welcoming about the juice is that it is too smelly. So, to subside the smell and also to make the paste more enriching you can add coconut oil to it.

Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

So, these are some of the methods by which you can use the extra virgin coconut oil for hair growth. As mentioned already, the coconut has got innumerable benefits for your hair. Some of the additional benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil.

  • Coconut oil has got an excellent talent for preventing the hair from breakage.
  • It provides enough moisturization to the hair.
  • It is a natural defender of getting dandruff.
  • The oil acts as a pollution defender. Also, it acts as a shield to protect your hair from UV rays of the sun.
  • The common problem of every long hair teenage girl is the issue with lice. Coconut oil prevents that too.

So, here lies all about the Virgin Coconut Oil. The above-mentioned methods must be tried in order to prevent your hair from getting damaged. Later half of the content describes some of the many benefits that coconut oil assign. So, pick any of the methods and wait to have a watch on what miracles turn in front of you.


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