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As the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise around the globe. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of COVID-19 convalescent plasma therapy for treating severely critical patients.
About The Treatment
It is an investigational treatment being explored which involves use of antibodies developed in the recovered patients against COVID-19.
Therapy involves collecting whole blood or plasma from the recovered patients and is injected in severely critical patients to boost their immune system to fight the virus.
If the plasma is injected to infected patients at an early stage there is a possibility that it could prevent the patients from getting into a critical stage.
The use of this convalescent plasma can be effective for people belonging to the 40-50 age group but may be less effective for people aged beyond 60 years.
From India’s Point of View
India can surely make use of plasma collected form recovered patients to treat the severely critical patients with some pre-conditions such as-
- Requirement patient’s consent
- Controlling the risk of infection during transmission.
India has facilities for collecting 500ml of plasma from a donor using Aphaeresis. It is a machine which can extract plasma directly from the donor.