How to Implement New Teaching Methods and Approaches?


As an educator, it’s important to periodically evaluate your teaching methods and approaches to ensure you are providing students with the most effective learning experience. Implementing new teaching techniques can reinvigorate your lessons and help students stay engaged. This article provides tips on how to successfully integrate new teaching methods into your classroom.

Teaching Method

Research Different Methods

The first step is to research the various teaching methods and approaches available. Here are some of the most popular contemporary techniques:

  • Flipped Classroom: Students watch video lectures at home and complete hands-on activities, projects, and discussions during class time. This allows for more interactive learning.
  • Game-Based Learning: Educational games are used to motivate students and make learning more enjoyable. Games can range from digital quiz games to roleplaying scenarios.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning: Students are presented with questions or problems and must discover the answers through their own investigation and research. The teacher acts as a guide in this student-centered approach.
  • Project-Based Learning: Students work together to create projects that require applying their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. Activities can include experiments, presentations, films, and more.
  • Online Learning: Educational technology tools like videoconferencing, learning management systems, and mobile apps are used to conduct remote or hybrid classes. This can provide more flexibility.

Look for resources like teaching blogs, education journals, conferences, and online university courses to fully understand these methods before attempting to implement them. For example, you could take advantage of physical education courses for teachers like Teaching Golf and Teaching Tennis.

Start Small

It’s best not to overhaul your entire teaching approach at once. Start by picking one new method that you’d like to focus on first. Introduce it slowly by applying the technique to just part of a lesson or unit. For example, you might assign an online video lecture as homework to “flip” just one lesson instead of your entire course. This allows you to get comfortable with the logistics of the new approach. It also gives students time to adjust.

Plan Your Approach

Carefully plan out how you will integrate the new method into your classroom. For example, if you want to add game-based learning, you’ll need to develop appropriate educational games and determine how to fit them into your existing curriculum. Changing up your teaching style will likely require updating lesson plans. Set clear objectives and think through any challenges ahead of time.

Gather Feedback

As you begin implementing the new teaching approach, be sure to get feedback from students. Ask them what they like best about the new method and if they have any suggestions for improvement. Regularly check for student comprehension. For example, give a quick quiz after flipping a lesson to see if at-home video lectures are effective. Use feedback to refine your technique.

Reflect and Improve

After introducing the new teaching strategy, take time to evaluate the results. Compare student performance and engagement under the new approach versus traditional instruction. Also, reflect on strengths and weaknesses you observed. Thinking critically about the outcomes will allow you to modify and perfect the technique. Documentation is key — keep detailed notes to reference.

With some targeted research, gradual implementation, and feedback, integrating new teaching methods can significantly enrich learning. While it takes effort to change entrenched habits, students will appreciate the variety and interactivity of updated approaches. Adopting the latest education strategies shows a commitment to growth that will benefit teachers and students alike.