Wordle: Top 5-letter words with mostly vowels


What is Wordle?

Wordle is an online word game created by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle. It has been owned by The New York Times Company since 2022. It’s a fun way to practice your vocabulary and increase your word recognition skills. It was first launched in 2011 and has gained a large user base in recent years.

The game consists of a series of puzzles that are designed to be accessible to everyone. You can find a new puzzle each day on the Wordle website by refreshing the website. Each puzzle is a challenge of guessing a 5-letter word from a grid of letters. As you make your guess, the tiles change color, indicating your accuracy.

Wordle will be free to play for new and existing users. The developer is working with the company to make sure that the game stays free for as long as possible. It is likely that new players won’t notice a change. However, existing players should expect the same free experience. If you’ve never played the game, you should try it out.

Wordle is a free social game that consists of one puzzle a day. Players have six chances to guess the correct 5-letter word. Players can share their guesses on social media.


The Mathematics of Wordle Vowels

Wordle is a game in which you choose a word and have it made into a Wordle puzzle. Most people choose words that contain their favorite combination of vowels and consonants. Wordle has an algorithm that determines the word that will be made into a Wordle puzzle fastest. That word is CRANE.

Vowels are the most common letters in words and they appear in every single word. Consonants, on the other hand, are less common and occur only in fewer words. The mathematics of Wordle vowels applies to all English words. The key to figuring out a word’s likelihood to be made is to use its frequency and position.

During a game of Wordle, players get six attempts to guess a five-letter word. Each attempt to solve a word will give them a different hint. Some players try to guess as many words as possible in six tries, while others try to guess as few words as possible. It’s important to remember which letters belong in which words, and then use the best strategy for each word.

Once a word is constructed, an algorithm is used to find how many times the letter “E” appears in each position. This algorithm will use the Wordle database to calculate the frequency of occurrence of each letter in each word. Each letter will be given a score and percentage of frequency.

The List of Five-Letter Words With the Most Vowels

If you’ve ever noticed that your language’s words are dominated by vowels, you’re not alone. It’s a common misconception that the modern English alphabet only has five vowels. However, ‘y’ is a vowel more often than a consonant, and the letter ‘w’ is a semivowel almost always, although it does act as a full vowel in certain words.

A five-letter word with four vowels is MIAOU, which translates to “cat noise.” Using the five-letter word generator at Wordle.com, users can predict a five-letter word from a list of possible five-letter words using colored tiles.

  1. ADIEU
  2. AUDIO
  3. AULOI
  4. AUREI
  5. LOUIE
  6. MIAOU
  7. OUIJA
  8. OURIE
  9. URAEI

Wordle: 5-Letter Words With Three Vowels

Five-letter words with three or more vowels are generally the best choice for a first word. These words will help you distinguish between possibilities and help you think of new ideas.

3-Vowel Words without repeating a vowel:

  1. ABUSE
  2. ALONE
  3. ARGUE
  4. ARISE
  5. HOUSE
  6. JUICE
  7. MEDIA
  8. MOVIE
  9. NAIVE
  10. OCEAN
  11. PIANO
  12. QUAIL
  13. QUIET
  14. QUITE
  15. RADIO
  16. RAISE
  17. SAUCE
  18. UNION
  19. VIDEO

3-Vowel Words with repeating vowels:

  1. AECIA
  2. AIOLI
  3. AQUAE
  4. AREAE
  5. AURAE
  6. LOOIE
  7. OIDIA
  8. OORIE 
  9. ZOEAE

Top-Words with 4 Letters with mostly vowels

  1. QUAI
  2. JIAO
  3. ZOEA
  4. EAUX
  5. KUIA
  6. UVAE
  7. UVEA
  8. BEAU
  9. KAIE
  10. MEOU
  11. MOUE
  12. OUMA
  13. OUPA
  14. VIAE
  15. AGUE
  16. AMIE
  17. APIO
  18. CIAO
  19. GAUE
  20. HUIA
  21. MOAI
  22. OBIA
  23. AGIO
  24. AUNE
  25. LIEU
  26. OHIA
  27. UNAI
  28. AEON
  29. AIDE
  30. AINE
  31. AITU
  32. ALOE
  33. AUTO
  34. EAUS
  35. EINA
  36. EOAN
  37. ETUI
  38. EUOI
  39. EURO
  40. IDEA
  41. ILEA
  42. IURE
  43. NAOI
  44. ODEA
  45. OLEA
  46. ONIE
  47. OUTA
  48. ROUE
  49. URAO
  50. UREA
  51. AERO
  52. IOTA
  53. TOEA

What is the best starting word for Wordle?

There is no definitive answer to the question of what is the best Wordle starting word. Experts in linguistics, computer science, and lexicography have all tried to find the answer. A recent study by the New York Timesbot suggested that the best starting word is ‘crane.’ However, it is important to note that a perfect starting word for a computer is not necessarily a perfect starting word for humans. For example, the archaic word ‘antre’ is not an ideal Wordle starting word.

The best Wordle starting word is usually a word that has two or three consonants and two vowels. The consonants are important to a good Wordle solution because they shape the word. By combining a known vowel with a common consonant, you can easily create a good Wordle.

Wordle is a popular app for word games among linguistic researchers. Using super words will boost your chances of success. A good example of this is’samey’. It’s a common spelling for the Middle Ages helmet, which can be a good starting word for Wordle. Another option is’sallet’.

Wordle’s database contains over 13,000 words. However, only two thousand of them are common. If you’re trying to make a word with the best possible starting word, you can start with the most common letters in the English language. Common consonants and letters that repeat may also help.

Is Vowel Stuffing Necessary?

Using a wordle tool, you can generate words with any combination of consonants and vowels by choosing four out of five letters. As long as you choose a word that has at least four vowels, you have a better chance of receiving positive feedback. You can also try words with more vowels, like ADIEU, QUEUE, and QUE. While consonants have a point of blockage in the airflow, vowels don’t. Depending on the vowel, a person’s mouth shape can alter the pitch or phonetic quality. Vowel-stuffing can cause consonants to be longer or shorter.

Vowel-stuffing is common among children, but it can lead to other problems. First, it can affect a student’s ability to read words. For example, a student who has trouble with their first vowel sound might need to use a practice sheet with all 19 sounds.

Another reason to avoid vowel-stuffing is to avoid vowel sounds that aren’t in their natural sound spectrum. Aristotelian worldview says that vowels are intrinsic to syllables. In contrast, the Berber language rejects vowels altogether, and has great consonants instead.